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#' Generates text output files (without punctuation) for external applications, such as GloVe embeddings
#' Generates text output files (without punctuation) for external applications, such as GloVe embeddings
#' @param out The elasticizer-generated data frame
#' @param file The file to write the output to (including path, when required). When documents = T, provide path including trailing /
#' @param documents Indicate whether the writer should output to a single file, or individual documents
#' @param lemma Indicate whether document output should be lemmas or original document
#' @param cores Indicate the number of cores to use for parallel processing
#' @param localhost Unused, but defaults to FALSE
#' @return A Quanteda dfm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' dfm_gen(out, words = '999')
#################################### Lemma text file generator #############################
lemma_writer <- function(out, file, localhost = F, documents = F, lemma = F, cores = 1, meta_file = NULL) {
plan(multiprocess, workers = cores)
par_writer <- function(row, out, lemma) {
if (lemma == T) {
cat(iconv(unlist(unnest(out[row,],`_source.ud`)$lemma), to = "UTF-8"), file = paste0(file,out[row,]$`_id`,'.txt'), append = F)
} else {
cat(iconv(out[row,]$merged, to = "UTF-8"), file = paste0(file,out[row,]$`_id`,'.txt'), append = F)
if (documents == F) {
out <- unnest(out,`_source.ud`)
lemma <- str_c(unlist(out$lemma)[-which(unlist(out$upos) == 'PUNCT')], unlist(out$upos)[-which(unlist(out$upos) == 'PUNCT')], sep = '_')
cat(lemma, file = file, append = T)
if (documents == T) {
if (lemma == F) {
out <- out_parser(out, field = '_source', clean = F)
} else {
if (!is.null(meta_file)) {
meta <- select(out, -`_source.ud`)
write.table(meta, str_c(file,meta_file), sep = ",", col.names = !file.exists(str_c(file,meta_file)), append = T)
future_lapply(1:nrow(out), par_writer, out = out, lemma = lemma)