You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#' Updater function for elasticizer: Conduct actor searches
#' Updater function for elasticizer: Conduct actor searches
#' @param out Does not need to be defined explicitly! (is already parsed in the elasticizer function)
#' @param localhost Defaults to false. When true, connect to a local Elasticsearch instance on the default port (9200)
#' @param ids List of actor ids
#' @param prefix Regex containing prefixes that should be excluded from hits
#' @param postfix Regex containing postfixes that should be excluded from hits
#' @param identifier String used to mark highlights. Should be a lowercase string
#' @param ver Short string (preferably a single word/sequence) indicating the version of the updated document (i.e. for a udpipe update this string might be 'udV2')
#' @param es_super Password for write access to ElasticSearch
#' @return As this is a nested function used within elasticizer, there is no return output
#' @export
#' @examples
#' actorizer(out, localhost = F, ids, type, prefix, postfix, identifier, es_super)
actorizer <- function(out, localhost = F, ids, type, prefix, postfix, identifier, es_super, ver) {
### Function to filter out false positives using regex
exceptionizer <- function(id, ud, doc, markers, regex_identifier, prefix, postfix) {
min <- min(ud$start[ud$sentence_id == id]) # Get start position of sentence
max <- max(ud$end[ud$sentence_id == id]) # Get end position of sentence
split <- markers[markers %in% seq(min, max, 1)] # Get markers in sentence
max <- max+(length(split)*nchar(identifier)) # Set end position to include markers (e.g if there are two markers of three characters in the sentence, the end position needs to be shifted by +6)
sentence <- str_sub(doc$merged, min, max) # Extract sentence from text
# Check if none of the regexes match, if so, return sentence id, otherwise (if one of the regexes match) return nothing
if (!str_detect(sentence, paste0(regex_identifier,postfix)) && !str_detect(sentence, paste0(prefix,regex_identifier))) {
} else {
ranger <- function(x, ud) {
return(which((ud$start <= x) & (ud$end >= x)))
sentencizer <- function(row, out, ids, prefix, postfix, identifier, type) {
doc <- out[row,]
# Extracting ud output from document
ud <- doc$`_source.ud`[[1]] %>%
select(-one_of('exists')) %>% # Removing ud.exists variable
unnest() %>%
mutate(doc_id = doc$`_id`)
markers <- doc$markers[[1]][,'start'] # Extract list of markers
# Convert markers to udpipe rows (in some cases the start position doesn't align with the udpipe token start position (e.g. when anti-|||EU is treated as a single word))
rows <- unlist(lapply(markers, ranger, ud = ud))
# Setting up an actor variable
ud$actor <- F
ud$actor[rows] <- T
sentence_count <- max(ud$sentence_id) # Number of sentences in article
actor_sentences <- unique(ud$sentence_id[ud$actor]) # Sentence ids of sentences mentioning actor
actor_start <- ud$start[ud$actor == T] # Udpipe token start positions for actor
actor_end <- ud$end[ud$actor == T] # Udpipe token end positions for actor
# Conducting regex filtering on matches only when actor type is Party
if (type == "Party") {
### If no pre or postfixes, match *not nothing* i.e. anything
if ( || prefix == '') {
prefix = '$^'
if ( || postfix == '') {
postfix = '$^'
sentence_ids <- lapply(actor_sentences, exceptionizer, ud = ud, doc = doc, markers = markers, regex_identifier = regex_identifier, prefix = prefix, postfix = postfix)
} else {
sentence_ids <- actor_sentences
# Generating nested sentence start and end positions for actor sentences
ud <- ud %>%
filter(sentence_id %in% sentence_ids) %>%
group_by(sentence_id) %>%
summarise (
sentence_start = as.integer(min(start)),
sentence_end = as.integer(max(end)),
doc_id = first(doc_id)
) %>%
group_by(doc_id) %>%
sentence_id = list(as.integer(sentence_id)),
sentence_start = list(sentence_start),
sentence_end = list(sentence_end)
data.frame(ud, # Sentence id, start and end position for actor sentences
actor_start = I(list(actor_start)), # List of actor ud token start positions
actor_end = I(list(actor_end)), # List of actor ud token end positions
occ = length(unique(actor_sentences)), # Number of sentences in which actor occurs
prom = length(unique(actor_sentences))/sentence_count, # Relative prominence of actor in article (number of occurences/total # sentences)
rel_first = 1-(min(actor_sentences)/sentence_count), # Relative position of first occurence at sentence level
first = min(actor_sentences), # First sentence in which actor is mentioned
ids = I(list(ids)) # List of actor ids
out <- mamlr:::out_parser(out, field = 'highlight', clean = F)
offsetter <- function(x) {
regex_identifier <- gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", identifier)
out$markers <- lapply(str_locate_all(out$merged,coll(identifier)), offsetter)
ids <- fromJSON(ids)
updates <- bind_rows(mclapply(seq(1,length(out[[1]]),1), sentencizer, out = out, ids = ids, postfix = postfix, prefix=prefix, identifier=identifier, type = type, mc.cores = detectCores()))
bulk <- apply(updates, 1, bulk_writer, varname ='actorsDetail', type = 'add', ver = ver)
bulk <- c(bulk,apply(updates[c(1,11)], 1, bulk_writer, varname='actors', type = 'add', ver = ver))
return(elastic_update(bulk, es_super = es_super, localhost = localhost))