#' Parse raw text into a single field
#' Parse raw text into a single field
#' @param out The original output data frame
#' @param field Either 'highlight' or '_source', for parsing of the highlighted search result text, or the original source text
#' @param clean Boolean indicating whether the results should be cleaned by removing words matching regex (see code)
#' @return a parsed output data frame including the additional column 'merged', containing the merged text
#' @examples
#' out_parser(out,field)
#################################### Parser function for output fields ##########################
out_parser <- function(out, field, clean = F) {
fncols <- function(data, cname) {
add <-cname[!cname%in%names(data)]
if(length(add)!=0) data[add] <- NA
out <- fncols(out, c("highlight.text","highlight.title","highlight.teaser", "highlight.subtitle", "highlight.preteaser", '_source.text', '_source.title','_source.teaser','_source.subtitle','_source.preteaser'))
par_parser <- function(row, out, field, clean) {
doc <- out[row,]
if (field == 'highlight') {
doc <- replace(doc, doc=="NULL", NA)
### Replacing empty highlights with source text (to have the exact same text for udpipe to process)
doc$highlight.title[is.na(doc$highlight.title)] <- doc$`_source.title`[is.na(doc$highlight.title)]
doc$highlight.text[is.na(doc$highlight.text)] <- doc$`_source.text`[is.na(doc$highlight.text)]
doc$highlight.teaser[is.na(doc$highlight.teaser)] <- doc$`_source.teaser`[is.na(doc$highlight.teaser)]
doc$highlight.subtitle[is.na(doc$highlight.subtitle)] <- doc$`_source.subtitle`[is.na(doc$highlight.subtitle)]
doc$highlight.preteaser[is.na(doc$highlight.preteaser)] <- doc$`_source.preteaser`[is.na(doc$highlight.preteaser)]
doc <- doc %>%
mutate(highlight.title = str_replace_na(highlight.title, replacement = '')) %>%
mutate(highlight.subtitle = str_replace_na(highlight.subtitle, replacement = '')) %>%
mutate(highlight.preteaser = str_replace_na(highlight.preteaser, replacement = '')) %>%
mutate(highlight.teaser = str_replace_na(highlight.teaser, replacement = '')) %>%
mutate(highlight.text = str_replace_na(highlight.text, replacement = ''))
doc$merged <- str_c(doc$highlight.title,
sep = ". ")
if (field == '_source') {
doc <- doc %>%
mutate(`_source.title` = str_replace_na(`_source.title`, replacement = '')) %>%
mutate(`_source.subtitle` = str_replace_na(`_source.subtitle`, replacement = '')) %>%
mutate(`_source.preteaser` = str_replace_na(`_source.preteaser`, replacement = '')) %>%
mutate(`_source.teaser` = str_replace_na(`_source.teaser`, replacement = '')) %>%
mutate(`_source.text` = str_replace_na(`_source.text`, replacement = ''))
doc$merged <- str_c(doc$`_source.title`,
sep = ". ")
### Use correct interpunction, by inserting a '. ' at the end of every text field, then removing any duplicate occurences
# Remove html tags, and multiple consequent whitespaces
# Regex removes all words consisting of or containing numbers, @#$%
# Punctuation is only filtered out when not followed by a whitespace character, and when the word contains any of the characters above
# Regex also used in merger function
### Old regex, used for duplicate detection:
# \\S*?[0-9@#$%]+[^\\s!?.,;:]*
doc$merged <- doc$merged %>%
str_replace_all("<.{0,20}?>", " ") %>%
str_replace_all('(\\. ){2,}', '. ') %>%
str_replace_all('([!?.])\\.','\\1') %>%
str_replace_all("\\s+"," ") %>%
{if(clean == T) str_replace_all(.,"\\S*?[0-9@#$%]+([^\\s!?.,;:]|[!?.,:;]\\S)*", "") else . }
if (Sys.info()[['sysname']] == "Windows") {
cores <- 1
} else {
cores <- detectCores()
out <- bind_rows(mclapply(seq(1,length(out[[1]]),1), par_parser, out = out, clean = clean, field = field, mc.cores = cores))