You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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944 B

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% Please edit documentation in R/feat_select.R
\title{Select features using quanteda textstat_keyness}
feat_select(topic, dfm, class_type, percentile, measure = "chi2")
\item{topic}{The topic to determine keywords for}
\item{dfm}{The input dfm}
\item{class_type}{Name of the column in docvars containing the classification}
\item{percentile}{Cutoff for the list of words that should be returned}
\item{measure}{Measure to use in determining keyness, default = chi2; see textstat_keyness for other options}
A vector of words that are key to the topic
Select features based on the textstat_keyness function and a percentile cutoff
Percentiles are based on absolute values i.e. both on words that are key and *not* key to the topic
feat_select(topic, dfm, class_type, percentile, measure="chi2")