@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#' @param actor_groups Optional list of vectors, where each vector contains actor ids to be merged (e.g. merge all left-wing parties)
#' @param pos_cutoff Optional value above which sentence-level sentiment scores should be considered "positive"
#' @param neg_cutoff Optional value below which sentence-level sentiment scores should be considered "negative"
#' @param single_party Boolean to generate data only from sentences in which a single party is mentioned, defaults to FALSE
#' @return When no ids, returns actor-article dataset with individual actors, party aggregations, party-actor aggregations and overall actor sentiment (regardless of specific actors). When ids, returns aggregations for each vector in list
#' @export
#' @examples
@ -18,7 +19,7 @@
### some individual actors, where the partyId of an individual actor doesn't match an actual
### partyId in the actor dataset
sent_merger <- function ( df , actors_meta = NULL , actor_groups = NULL , pos_cutoff = NULL , neg_cutoff = NULL ) {
sent_merger <- function ( df , actors_meta = NULL , actor_groups = NULL , pos_cutoff = NULL , neg_cutoff = NULL , single_party = F ) {
grouper <- function ( id2 , df ) {
# Prevent usage of deprecated partyId_a ids, which are incorrect and should no longer be used
if ( any ( str_ends ( id2 , ' _a' ) ) ) {
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
actor.sent_words = sum ( sent_words ) ,
actor.words = sum ( words ) ,
# actor.arousal = sum(abs(sent_binary_weighted))/sum(words),
actor.first = first ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.first = min ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.occ = .N ,
publication_date = first ( publication_date ) ,
ids = str_c ( id2 , collapse = ' -' )
@ -116,7 +117,7 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
noactor.sent_words = sum ( sent_words ) ,
noactor.words = sum ( words ) ,
noactor.arousal = sum ( sent_words ) / sum ( words ) ,
noactor.first = first ( sentence_id ) ,
noactor.first = min ( sentence_id ) ,
noactor.occ = .N
) , by = list ( id ) ]
@ -125,7 +126,7 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
actor.sent_words = sum ( sent_words ) ,
actor.words = sum ( words ) ,
actor.arousal = sum ( sent_words ) / sum ( words ) ,
actor.first = first ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.first = min ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.occ = .N ,
publication_date = first ( publication_date ) ,
ids = ' all' ) , by = list ( id ) ]
@ -153,22 +154,34 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
na.omit ( ) %>%
ungroup ( ) %>%
data.table ( .)
## Add partyId to each actorId
actors <- df [str_starts ( ids , ' A_' ) ] %>% # Keep only individual actors
## Add partyId to each actorId without filtering parties out
df <- df %>%
# Fill partyId column for actor mentions
actors_party [. , c ( colnames ( .) , ' partyId' ) , # Join by actorId, within active period (start/endDate)
on = .(ids == ids , startDate <= publication_date , endDate >= publication_date ) ,
with = F ] %>%
# Fill partyId column for party mentions
.[is.na ( partyId ) , partyId : = str_sub ( ids , start = 1 , end = -3 ) ] %>%
# Some actors seemingly belong to different parties on the same day, hence basing unique rows on both (actor)ids and partyId
.[ ! duplicated ( .,by = c ( ' id' , ' ids' , ' sentence_id' , ' partyId' ) ) , ] # Keep all unique rows
## Removing sentences containing more than one party
if ( single_party ) {
# Create variable indicating number of unique party ids per sentence, and keep only sentences where unique parties == 1
df <- df %>%
.[ , upid : = length ( unique ( partyId ) ) , by = c ( ' id' , ' sentence_id' ) ] %>%
.[upid == 1 , ]
## Create aggregate measures for individual actors
actors_merged <- actors %>% .[ ! duplicated ( .,by = c ( ' id' , ' ids' , ' sentence_id' ) ) , ] %>% # Removing duplicate rows when actor is counted multiple times in the same sentence, because of multiple functions or parties.
actors_merged <- df[str_starts ( ids , ' A_' ) ] %>% .[ ! duplicated ( .,by = c ( ' id' , ' ids' , ' sentence_id' ) ) , ] %>% # Removing duplicate rows when actor is counted multiple times in the same sentence, because of multiple functions or parties.
.[ ,
.(actor.sent = sum ( sent_binary_weighted ) / sum ( words ) ,
actor.sent_words = sum ( sent_words ) ,
actor.words = sum ( words ) ,
actor.arousal = sum ( sent_words ) / sum ( words ) ,
actor.first = first ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.first = min ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.occ = .N ,
publication_date = first ( publication_date ) ) , by = list ( id , ids ) ]
@ -185,18 +198,13 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
## Generate party-actor aggregations (mfsa)
# Create party data table
parties_actors <- df [str_starts ( ids , ' P_' ) , .(
ids = str_sub ( ids , start = 1 , end = -3 ) , # Reduce ids to base of partyId (without _f or _s)
partyId = str_sub ( ids , start = 1 , end = -3 ) , # Create partyId column for merging
( .SD )
) , .SDcols = - c ( ' ids' ) ] %>%
rbind ( actors , .) %>% # Add actors with partyId column
parties_actors <- df %>%
.[ ! duplicated ( .,by = c ( ' id' , ' partyId' , ' sentence_id' ) ) , .( # Remove rows (sentences) where a party is counted multiple times
actor.sent = sum ( sent_binary_weighted ) / sum ( words ) ,
actor.sent_words = sum ( sent_words ) ,
actor.words = sum ( words ) ,
actor.arousal = sum ( sent_words ) / sum ( words ) ,
actor.first = first ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.first = min ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.occ = .N ,
publication_date = first ( publication_date )
) , by = c ( ' id' , ' partyId' ) ] # Summarize by article and partyId
@ -212,7 +220,7 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
actor.sent_words = sum ( sent_words ) ,
actor.words = sum ( words ) ,
actor.arousal = sum ( sent_words ) / sum ( words ) ,
actor.first = first ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.first = min ( sentence_id ) ,
actor.occ = .N ,
publication_date = first ( publication_date )
) , by = c ( ' id' , ' ids' ) ]