sent_merger: Updated sentiment aggregation procedure. Now a dedicated actors_final.csv file is used as source of partyIds for individual actors, instead of the (deprecated) [partyId]_a ids that were previously provided as a result of the actor searches, or the (also deprecated) actor metadata provided in the ES actors database.

Erik de Vries 3 years ago
parent 8875630235
commit 16d02a055d

@ -20,14 +20,9 @@
sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff = NULL, neg_cutoff = NULL) {
grouper <- function(id2, df) {
if ('P_1206_a' %in% id2) {
id2 <- c('P_212_a','P_1771_a',id2)
if ('P_1605_a' %in% id2) {
id2 <- c('P_1606_a', id2)
if ('P_1629_a' %in% id2) {
id2 <- c(str_c('P_',as.character(1630:1647),'_a'), id2)
# Prevent usage of deprecated partyId_a ids, which are incorrect and should no longer be used
if (any(str_ends(id2, '_a'))) {
return("You're seemingly using a deprecated [partyId]_a id in your aggregations")
return(df[ids %in% id2,] %>%
.[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','sentence_id')),.(
@ -137,31 +132,50 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
## Unnest to actor level
df <- df[,.(ids = as.character(unlist(ids))),
by = list(id,publication_date,sentence_id, sent_sum, words, sent_words,sent_binary_weighted)]
by = list(id,publication_date,sentence_id, sent_sum, words, sent_words,sent_binary_weighted)
][ # Remove deprecated actor_partyids from ES database
!str_ends(ids, '_a')]
## Create aggregate measures for individual actors
actors <- df[str_starts(ids, 'A_')] %>% .[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','ids','sentence_id')),
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date)), by = list(id, ids)]
## Create actor metadata dataframe per active date (one row per day per actor)
## Prepare actor metadata
colnames(actors_meta) <- str_replace(colnames(actors_meta),'_source.','')
actors_meta <- actors_meta[,
actors_meta <- data.table(actors_meta)[,
startDate = as.Date(startDate),
endDate = as.Date(endDate),
ids = ifelse(actorId != '', actorId, partyId)
ids = ifelse(!, actorId, partyId)
), .SDcols = -c('_id','startDate','endDate','_index','_type','_score')
actors <- actors_meta[actors,
c('x.startDate','x.endDate',colnames(actors), 'lastName','firstName','function.','gender','yearOfBirth','parlPeriod','partyId','ministerName','ministryId','actorId','startDate','endDate'),
## Create table with partyIds by date and actorId to join by
actors_party <- actors_meta %>%
group_by(ids,partyId,startDate,endDate) %>%
summarise() %>%
na.omit() %>%
ungroup() %>%
## Add partyId to each actorId
actors <- df[str_starts(ids, 'A_')] %>% # Keep only individual actors
actors_party[., c(colnames(.),'partyId'), # Join by actorId, within active period (start/endDate)
on = .(ids == ids, startDate <= publication_date, endDate >= publication_date),
with = F] %>%
# Some actors seemingly belong to different parties on the same day, hence basing unique rows on both (actor)ids and partyId
.[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','ids','sentence_id','partyId')),] # Keep all unique rows
## Create aggregate measures for individual actors
actors_merged <- actors %>% .[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','ids','sentence_id')),] %>% # Removing duplicate rows when actor is counted multiple times in the same sentence, because of multiple functions or parties.
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date)), by = list(id, ids)]
## Create actor metadata dataframe per active date (one row per day per actor)
actors_merged <- actors_meta[actors_merged,
c('x.startDate','x.endDate',colnames(actors_merged), 'lastName','firstName','function.','gender','yearOfBirth','parlPeriod','partyId','ministerName','ministryId','actorId','startDate','endDate'),
on =.(ids = ids, startDate <= publication_date, endDate >= publication_date),
allow.cartesian = T,
mult = 'all',
with = F][,.(
startDate = x.startDate,
@ -169,19 +183,15 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
), .SDcols = -c('x.startDate', 'x.endDate','startDate','endDate')]
## Generate party-actor aggregations (mfsa)
# identical(,c('id','ids')), colnames(parties_actors_dp))),
# Create party data table
parties_actors <- df[str_starts(ids,'P_'),.(
ids = str_sub(ids, start = 1, end = -3),
),.SDcols = -c('ids')][, .(
ids = case_when(ids == 'P_212' ~ 'P_1206',
ids == 'P_1771' ~ 'P_1206',
ids == 'P_1606' ~ 'P_1605',
ids %in% str_c('P_',as.character(1630:1647)) ~ 'P_1629',
TRUE ~ ids),
ids = str_sub(ids, start = 1, end = -3), # Reduce ids to base of partyId (without _f or _s)
partyId = str_sub(ids, start = 1, end = -3), # Create partyId column for merging
), .SDcols = -c('ids')] %>% .[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','ids','sentence_id')),.(
),.SDcols = -c('ids')] %>%
rbind(actors,.) %>% # Add actors with partyId column
.[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','partyId','sentence_id')),.( # Remove rows (sentences) where a party is counted multiple times
actor.sent = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
@ -189,8 +199,9 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date)
), by = c('id','ids')]
parties_actors <- actors_meta[parties_actors, on = c('ids'), mult = 'first'][!,.(ids = str_c(ids,"_mfsa"), (.SD)), .SDcols = -c('ids')]
), by = c('id','partyId')] # Summarize by article and partyId
# Add party metadata
parties_actors <- actors_meta[parties_actors, on = c('partyId'), mult = 'first'][!,.(ids = str_c(ids,"_mfsa"), (.SD)), .SDcols = -c('ids')]
## Generate party aggregations (mfs)
parties <- df[str_ends(ids,'_f') | str_ends(ids,'_s'),.(
@ -208,7 +219,7 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
parties <- actors_meta[parties, on = c('ids'), mult = 'first'][!,.(ids = str_c(ids,"_mfs"), (.SD)), .SDcols = -c('ids')]
## Join all aggregations into a single data frame, compute derived actor-level measures, and add date dummies
df <- bind_rows(actors, parties, parties_actors, all) %>%
df <- bind_rows(actors_merged, parties, parties_actors, all) %>%
left_join(.,text_sent, by=c("id","publication_date")) %>%
left_join(.,text_noactors, by="id") %>%
