actor_merger: overhaul to include cutoffs at sentence level as intended, also included options to generate sentiment for text only (don't provide actors_meta or actor_groups)

Your Name 5 years ago
parent 74909ca3a0
commit 18d47762d2

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
#' @param df Data frame with actor ids, produced by sentencizer
#' @param actors_meta Data frame containing actor metadata obtained using elasticizer(index="actors")
#' @param actor_groups Optional list of vectors, where each vector contains actor ids to be merged (e.g. merge all left-wing parties)
#' @param pos_cutoff Optional value above which sentence-level sentiment scores should be considered "positive"
#' @param neg_cutoff Optional value below which sentence-level sentiment scores should be considered "negative"
#' @return When no ids, returns actor-article dataset with individual actors, party aggregations, party-actor aggregations and overall actor sentiment (regardless of specific actors). When ids, returns aggregations for each vector in list
#' @export
#' @examples
@ -16,7 +18,7 @@
### some individual actors, where the partyId of an individual actor doesn't match an actual
### partyId in the actor dataset
actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff = NULL, neg_cutoff = NULL) {
grouper <- function(id2, df) {
if ('P_1206_a' %in% id2) {
id2 <- c('P_212_a','P_1771_a',id2)
@ -30,6 +32,7 @@ actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
return(df[ids %in% id2,] %>%
.[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','sentence_id')),.(
actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
@ -50,8 +53,6 @@ actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
id = as.factor(`_id`)
), .SDcols = !c('_source.doctype','_source.publication_date','_id')]
text_sent <- df[,.SD, .SDcols = c('id', 'doctype',grep('text\\.',names(df), value = T))]
## Create bogus variables if sentiment is not scored
if(!"sent_sum" %in% colnames(df)) {
df <- df[,.(
@ -64,61 +65,50 @@ actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
## Unnest to sentence level
df <- df[,lapply(.SD, unlist, recursive=F),
.SDcols = c('sentence_id', 'sent_sum', 'words', 'sent_words','ids'),
by = list(id,publication_date)]
text_noactors <- df[lengths(ids) == 0L,
.(noactor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
noactor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
noactor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
noactor.words = sum(words),
noactor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
noactor.first = first(sentence_id),
noactor.occ = .N
), by = list(id)]
by = list(id,publication_date,doctype)]
df <- df[,.(
sent = sent_sum/words
sent_binary = case_when(
sent > pos_cutoff ~ 1,
sent == 0 ~ 0,
sent >= neg_cutoff & sent <= pos_cutoff ~ 0,
TRUE ~ -1
sent_binary_weighted = sent_binary*words
text_sent <- df[,
.(text.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
text.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
text.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
text.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
text.words = sum(words),
text.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
text.sentences = .N,
doctype = first(doctype),
publication_date = first(publication_date)
), by = list(id)]
# test2 <- text_sent %>% mutate(
# sent_bin = case_when(
# text.sent > pos_cutoff ~ 1,
# text.sent == 0 ~ 0,
# text.sent >= neg_cutoff & text.sent <= pos_cutoff ~ 0,
# TRUE ~ -1
# ),
# sent_bin_weighted = case_when(
# text.sent_binary > 0 ~ 1,
# text.sent_binary < 0 ~ -1,
# TRUE ~ 0
# )
# )
all <- df[lengths(ids) > 0L,
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'all'), by = list(id)]
all_ind <- df[str_detect(ids, 'A_'),
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'ind'), by = list(id)]
all_par <- df[str_detect(ids, '_f|_s'),
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'par'), by = list(id)]
## Unnest to actor level
df <- df[,.(ids = as.character(unlist(ids))),
by = list(id,publication_date,sentence_id, sent_sum, words, sent_words)]
## Create aggregations according to list of actorId vectors in ids
## Create aggregations according to list of actorId vectors in ids
if(!is.null(actor_groups)) {
output <- lapply(actor_groups,grouper, df = df) %>%
rbindlist(.) %>%
@ -132,10 +122,63 @@ actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
yearweek = strftime(publication_date, format = "%Y%V")
} else {
} else if(!is.null(actors_meta)) {
text_noactors <- df[lengths(ids) == 0L,
.(noactor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
noactor.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
noactor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
noactor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
noactor.words = sum(words),
noactor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
noactor.first = first(sentence_id),
noactor.occ = .N
), by = list(id)]
all <- df[lengths(ids) > 0L,
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'all'), by = list(id)]
all_ind <- df[str_detect(ids, 'A_'),
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'ind'), by = list(id)]
all_par <- df[str_detect(ids, '_f|_s'),
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'par'), by = list(id)]
## Unnest to actor level
df <- df[,.(ids = as.character(unlist(ids))),
by = list(id,publication_date,sentence_id, sent_sum, words, sent_words,sent_binary_weighted)]
## Create aggregate measures for individual actors
actors <- df[str_starts(ids, 'A_'),
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
@ -177,6 +220,7 @@ actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
), .SDcols = -c('ids')][,.(
actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
@ -193,6 +237,7 @@ actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
),.SDcols = -c('ids')][,.(
actor.sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
actor.sent_binary = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
@ -205,7 +250,7 @@ actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
## Join all aggregations into a single data frame, compute derived actor-level measures, and add date dummies
df <- bind_rows(actors, parties, parties_actors, all, all_ind, all_par) %>%
left_join(.,text_sent, by="id") %>%
left_join(.,text_sent, by=c("id","publication_date")) %>%
left_join(.,text_noactors, by="id") %>%
actor.prom = actor.occ/text.sentences,
@ -218,6 +263,15 @@ actor_merger <- function(df, actors_meta, actor_groups = NULL) {
ungroup() %>%
} else {
df <- text_sent %>%
year = strftime(publication_date, format = '%Y'),
yearmonth = strftime(publication_date, format = '%Y%m'),
yearmonthday = strftime(publication_date, format = '%Y%m%d'),
yearweek = strftime(publication_date, format = "%Y%V")
) %>%
