actorizer: updated to account for token start offset in udpipe output. Sometimes, the first token in an article doesn't start at character position 1 (or 2 if the article starts with a whitespace), but at position 16 and possibly other positions.

Your Name 5 years ago
parent 336567732c
commit 80ec0be1f8

@ -18,26 +18,30 @@ actorizer <- function(out, localhost = F, ids, prefix, postfix, pre_tags, post_t
out <- mamlr:::out_parser(out, field = 'highlight', clean = F)
out <- mamlr:::out_parser(out, field = 'highlight', clean = F) %>%
## Computing offset for first token position (some articles have a minimum token start position of 16, instead of 1 or 2)
mutate( # Checking if the merged field starts with a whitespace character
space = case_when(
str_starts(merged, '\\s') ~ 1,
T ~ 0)
) %>%
unnest(cols = '_source.ud') %>%
rowwise() %>%
mutate(ud_min = min(unlist(start))-1-space) ## Create offset variable, subtract 1 for default token start position of 1, and subtract 1 if merged field starts with a whitespace
print(str_c('Number of articles with minimum token start position higher than 2: ',sum(out$ud_min > 2)))
print('Unique ud_min offset values in batch: ')
prefix[prefix==''] <- NA
postfix[postfix==''] <- NA
pre_tags_regex <- gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", pre_tags)
post_tags_regex <- gsub("([.|()\\^{}+$*?]|\\[|\\])", "\\\\\\1", post_tags)
out$markers <- lapply(str_locate_all(out$merged,coll(pre_tags)), offsetter, pre_tags = pre_tags, post_tags = post_tags)
markers <- out %>%
select(`_id`,markers) %>%
unnest_wider(markers) %>%
rename(marker_start = start, marker_end = end) %>%
if (sum(nchar(out$merged) > 990000) > 0) {
stop("One or more documents in this batch exceed 990000 characters")
# Extracting ud output from document
ud <- out %>%
select(`_id`,`_source.ud`, merged) %>%
unnest(cols = c("_source.ud")) %>%
select(`_id`,lemma,start,end, sentence_id,merged) %>%
unnest(cols = colnames(.))
@ -50,6 +54,18 @@ actorizer <- function(out, localhost = F, ids, prefix, postfix, pre_tags, post_t
sentence_count = n()
out$markers <- lapply(str_locate_all(out$merged,coll(pre_tags)),offsetter, pre_tags = pre_tags, post_tags = post_tags)
markers <- out %>%
select(`_id`,markers, ud_min) %>%
unnest_wider(markers) %>%
rename(marker_start = start, marker_end = end) %>%
unnest(colnames(.)) %>%
## Modifying marker start and end positions using the ud_min column (see above)
mutate(marker_start = marker_start +(ud_min),
marker_end = marker_end + (ud_min))
hits <-[, .(`_id`, lemma,x.start, start, end, x.end, sentence_id, merged), on =.(`_id` = `_id`, start <= marker_start, end >= marker_start)] %>%
mutate(end = x.end,
start = x.start) %>%
@ -89,6 +105,14 @@ actorizer <- function(out, localhost = F, ids, prefix, postfix, pre_tags, post_t
!str_detect(sentence, paste0(post_tags_regex,'(',postfix,')')) & !str_detect(sentence, paste0('(',prefix,')',pre_tags_regex))
### Checking and removing any na rows, and reporting them in the console
nas <- hits %>% filter(
hits <- hits %>% filter(!
if (nrow(nas) > 0) {
print(str_c('The following articles have not been searched correctly for actorId ',ids))
print(str_c('id_na: ',nas$`_id`, collapse = '\n '))
if (nrow(hits) == 0) {
print("Nothing to update for this batch")
