@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
#################################### Get data from ElasticSearch ################################
elasticizer <- function(query, src = T, index = 'maml', es_user = 'es', es_pwd = .rs.askForPassword("Elasticsearch READ"), batch_size = 1024, max_batch = Inf, time_scroll = "5m", dump = F, update = NULL, localhost = F, ...){
elasticizer <- function(query, src = T, index = 'maml', es_user, es_pwd = .rs.askForPassword("Elasticsearch READ"), batch_size = 1024, max_batch = Inf, time_scroll = "5m", dump = F, update = NULL, localhost = F, ...){
retries <- 10 ### Number of retries on error
sleep <- 30 ### Number of seconds between retries
httr::set_config(httr::config(http_version = 0))