actorizer: moved some code

Your Name 5 years ago
parent 50f33e78d7
commit ecdb5be3b4

@ -89,30 +89,28 @@ actorizer <- function(out, localhost = F, ids, prefix, postfix, pre_tags, post_t
!str_detect(sentence, paste0(post_tags_regex,'(',postfix,')')) & !str_detect(sentence, paste0('(',prefix,')',pre_tags_regex))
hits <- hits %>%
group_by(`_id`) %>%
sentence_id = list(as.integer(sentence_id)),
sentence_start = list(sentence_start),
sentence_end = list(sentence_end),
actor_start = I(list(unlist(actor_start))), # List of actor ud token start positions
actor_end = I(list(unlist(actor_end))), # List of actor ud token end positions
occ = length(unique(unlist(sentence_id))), # Number of sentences in which actor occurs
first = min(unlist(sentence_id)), # First sentence in which actor is mentioned
ids = I(list(ids)),
sentence_count = first(sentence_count)# List of actor ids
) %>%
prom = occ/sentence_count, # Relative prominence of actor in article (number of occurrences/total # sentences)
rel_first = 1-(first/sentence_count), # Relative position of first occurrence at sentence level
) %>%
select(`_id`:occ, prom,rel_first,first,ids)
if (nrow(hits) == 0) {
print("Nothing to update for this batch")
} else {
hits <- hits %>%
group_by(`_id`) %>%
sentence_id = list(as.integer(sentence_id)),
sentence_start = list(sentence_start),
sentence_end = list(sentence_end),
actor_start = I(list(unlist(actor_start))), # List of actor ud token start positions
actor_end = I(list(unlist(actor_end))), # List of actor ud token end positions
occ = length(unique(unlist(sentence_id))), # Number of sentences in which actor occurs
first = min(unlist(sentence_id)), # First sentence in which actor is mentioned
ids = I(list(ids)),
sentence_count = first(sentence_count)# List of actor ids
) %>%
prom = occ/sentence_count, # Relative prominence of actor in article (number of occurrences/total # sentences)
rel_first = 1-(first/sentence_count), # Relative position of first occurrence at sentence level
) %>%
select(`_id`:occ, prom,rel_first,first,ids)
bulk <- apply(hits, 1, bulk_writer, varname ='actorsDetail', type = 'add', ver = ver)
bulk <- c(bulk,apply(hits[c(1,11)], 1, bulk_writer, varname='actors', type = 'add', ver = ver))
return(elastic_update(bulk, es_super = es_super, localhost = localhost))
