% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/elastic_update.R \name{elastic_update} \alias{elastic_update} \title{Push a line-delimited JSON string to Elasticsearch as bulk update} \usage{ elastic_update(x, es_super = "secret", localhost = T) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Line-delimited JSON suitable for use as Elasticsearch bulk update} \item{es_super}{The even-more-secret (do not store this anywhere!!!) password for updating (or messing up!) the entire database} \item{localhost}{Defaults to true. When true, connect to a local Elasticsearch instance on the default port (9200)} } \value{ An html response object indicating the status of the update } \description{ Push a line-delimited JSON string to Elasticsearch as bulk update } \examples{ elastic_update(x, es_super = 'secret', local = F) }