% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/bulk_writer.R \name{bulk_writer} \alias{bulk_writer} \title{Generate a line-delimited JSON string for use in Elasticsearch bulk updates} \usage{ bulk_writer(x, index = "maml", varname = "updated_variable", type) } \arguments{ \item{x}{A single-row data frame, or a string containing the variables and/or values that should be updated (a data frame is converted to a JSON object, strings are stored as-is)} \item{index}{The name of the Elasticsearch index to update} \item{varname}{String indicating the parent variable that should be updated (when it does not exist, it will be created, all varnames are prefixed by computerCodes)} \item{type}{Type of updating to be done, can be either 'set', 'add', or 'addnested'} } \value{ A string usable as Elasticsearch bulk update command, in line-delimited JSON } \description{ Generate a line-delimited JSON string for use in Elasticsearch bulk updates Type can be either one of three values: set: set the value of [varname] to x add: add x to the values of [varname] varname: When using ud, the ud field will be updated instead of a computerCodes field } \examples{ bulk_writer(x, index = 'maml', varname = 'updated_variable') }