% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/elasticizer.R \name{elasticizer} \alias{elasticizer} \title{Generate a data frame out of unparsed Elasticsearch JSON} \usage{ elasticizer(query, src = T, index = "maml", es_pwd = .rs.askForPassword("Elasticsearch READ"), update = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{query}{A JSON-formatted query in the Elasticsearch query DSL} \item{src}{Logical (true/false) indicating whether or not the source of each document should be retrieved} \item{index}{The name of the Elasticsearch index to search through} \item{update}{When set, indicates an update function to use on each batch of 1000 articles} } \value{ A data frame containing all the search results } \description{ Generate a data frame out of unparsed Elasticsearch JSON } \examples{ elasticizer(query, src = TRUE, index = "maml") }