% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/estimator.R \name{estimator} \alias{estimator} \title{Generate models and get classifications on test sets} \usage{ estimator(row, grid, outer_folds, inner_folds, dfm, class_type, model) } \arguments{ \item{row}{Row number of current item in grid} \item{grid}{Grid with model parameters and CV folds} \item{outer_folds}{List with row numbers for outer folds} \item{dfm}{DFM containing labeled documents} \item{class_type}{Name of column in docvars() containing the classes} \item{model}{Model to use (currently only nb)} } \value{ Dependent on mode, if folds are included, returns true and predicted classes of test set, with parameters, model and model idf. When no folds, returns final model and idf values. } \description{ Creates a grid of models to be estimated for each outer fold, inner fold and parameter combination } \examples{ estimator(row, grid, outer_folds, dfm, class_type, model) }