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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/cv_generator.R
\title{Generate CV folds for nested cross-validation}
cv_generator(outer_k, inner_k, dfm, class_type, grid, seed)
\item{outer_k}{Number of outer CV (performance estimation) folds. If outer_k < 1 holdout sampling is used, with outer_k being the amount of test data}
\item{inner_k}{Number of inner CV (parameter optimization) folds}
\item{dfm}{DFM containing the labeled documents}
\item{class_type}{Name of the column in docvars containing the classification}
\item{grid}{Parameter grid for optimization}
\item{seed}{integer used as seed for random number generation}
A nested set of lists with row numbers
Creates a grid of models to be estimated for each outer fold, inner fold and parameter combination
cv_generator(outer_k, inner_k, dfm, class_type)