You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

279 lines
11 KiB

### Notes:
# Do you want to search for either one OR other actorid, or both occuring in the same document?
# Do you want to keep only the occurences of the actorids you are searching for, or all actor occurences in the hits?
# Search by actorId, then aggregate by month
# When actorId starts with P_, define what hits you want to get (short, full, actor), if more than one, aggregate properly
# Develop query generator for specific actors (ie combine actorId with start and end dates)
#' Generate aggregated actor measures from raw data
#' Generate aggregated actor measures from raw data
#' @param row The row of the actors data frame used for aggregation
#' @param actors The data frame containing actor data
#' @param es_pwd The password for read access to ES
#' @param localhost Boolean indicating if the script is running locally or not
#' @param default_operator String indicating whether actor aggregations should be made by searching for the presence of any of the actor ids (OR), or all of them (AND). Defaults to OR
#' @return No return value, data per actor is saved in an RDS file
#' @export
#' @examples
#' actor_aggregation(row, actors, es_pwd, localhost, default_operator = 'OR')
#################################### Aggregate actor results ################################
actor_aggregation <- function(row, actors, es_pwd, localhost, default_operator = 'OR', sent_dict = NULL, cores = detectCores()) {
### Functions
aggregator <- function (id, duplicates) {
df <- duplicates %>%
filter(`_id` == id) %>%
group_by(`_id`) %>%
`_source.doctype` = first(`_source.doctype`),
`_source.publication_date` = first(`_source.publication_date`),
# actor_end = list(sort(unique(unlist(actor_end)))),
prom = list(length(unique(unlist(sentence_id)))/round(occ[[1]]/prom[[1]])),
sentence_id = list(sort(unique(unlist(sentence_id)))),
rel_first = list(max(unlist(rel_first))),
# sentence_end = list(sort(unique(unlist(sentence_end)))),
# actor_start = list(sort(unique(unlist(actor_start)))),
ids = list(unique(unlist(ids))),
# sentence_start = list(sort(unique(unlist(sentence_start)))),
occ = list(length(unique(unlist(sentence_id)))),
first = list(min(unlist(sentence_id)))
### Calculate sentiment scores for each actor-document
par_sent <- function(row, out, sent_dict) {
out_row <- out[row,]
### Contains sentiment per sentence for whole article
sentiment_ud <- out_row$`_source.ud`[[1]] %>%
select(-one_of('exists')) %>%
unnest() %>%
filter(upos != 'PUNCT') %>% # For getting proper word counts
mutate(V1 = str_c(lemma,'_',upos)) %>%
left_join(sent_dict, by = 'V1') %>%
### Setting binary sentiment as unit of analysis
mutate(V2 = V3) %>%
group_by(sentence_id) %>%
V2 = case_when( == T ~ 0,
) %>%
summarise(sent_sum = sum(V2),
words = length(lemma),
sent_words = length(na.omit(V3))) %>%
sent = sent_sum/words,
arousal = sent_words/words
out_row <- select(out_row, -`_source.ud`)
### Contains sentiment per sentence for actor
actor_tone <- filter(sentiment_ud, sentence_id %in% unlist(out_row$sentence_id))
### Aggregated sentiment per actor (over all sentences containing actor)
actor <- summarise(actor_tone,
sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
sent_words = sum(sent_words),
words = sum(words),
arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words)
### Aggregated sentiment per article (over all sentences in article)
text <- summarise(sentiment_ud,
sent = sum(sent_sum)/sum(words),
sent_sum = sum(sent_sum),
sent_words = sum(sent_words),
words = sum(words),
arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words)
return(cbind(out_row,data.frame(actor = actor, text = text)))
### Creating aggregate measuers at daily, weekly, monthly and yearly level
grouper <- function(level, out, actorids, sent = F) {
by_newspaper <- out %>%
sentence_count = round(unlist(occ)/unlist(prom))
) %>%
group_by_at(vars(level, `_source.doctype`)) %>%
occ = sum(unlist(occ)),
prom_art = mean(unlist(prom)),
rel_first_art = mean(unlist(rel_first)),
first = mean(unlist(first)),
sentence_count = sum(sentence_count),
articles = length(`_id`),
level = level
) %>%
aggregate <- out %>%
sentence_count = round(unlist(occ)/unlist(prom))
) %>%
group_by_at(vars(level)) %>%
occ = sum(unlist(occ)),
prom_art = mean(unlist(prom)),
rel_first_art = mean(unlist(rel_first)),
first = mean(unlist(first)),
sentence_count = sum(sentence_count),
articles = length(`_id`),
`_source.doctype` = 'agg',
level = level
) %>%
if(sent == T) {
by_newspaper_sent <- out %>%
group_by_at(vars(level, `_source.doctype`)) %>%
actor.sent = mean(actor.sent),
actor.sent_sum = sum(actor.sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(actor.sent_words),
actor.words = sum(actor.words),
actor.arousal = mean(actor.arousal),
text.sent = mean(text.sent),
text.sent_sum = sum(text.sent_sum),
text.sent_words = sum(text.sent_words),
text.words = sum(text.words),
text.arousal = mean(text.arousal)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
aggregate_sent <- out %>%
group_by_at(vars(level)) %>%
actor.sent = mean(actor.sent),
actor.sent_sum = sum(actor.sent_sum),
actor.sent_words = sum(actor.sent_words),
actor.words = sum(actor.words),
actor.arousal = mean(actor.arousal),
text.sent = mean(text.sent),
text.sent_sum = sum(text.sent_sum),
text.sent_words = sum(text.sent_words),
text.words = sum(text.words),
text.arousal = mean(text.arousal)
) %>%
ungroup() %>%
aggregate <- bind_cols(aggregate,aggregate_sent)
by_newspaper <- bind_cols(by_newspaper, by_newspaper_sent)
output <- bind_rows(by_newspaper, aggregate) %>%
bind_cols(.,bind_rows(actor)[rep(seq_len(nrow(bind_rows(actor))), each=nrow(.)),]) %>%
colnames(output) <- gsub("_source.",'', colnames(output))
plan(multiprocess, workers = cores)
if (is.null(sent_dict) == F) {
fields <- c('ud','computerCodes.actorsDetail', 'doctype', 'publication_date')
} else {
fields <- c('computerCodes.actorsDetail', 'doctype', 'publication_date')
actor <- actors[row,]
if (actor$`_source.function` == "Party"){
years = seq(2000,2019,1)
startDate <- '2000'
endDate <- '2019'
} else {
years = c(0)
startDate <- actor$`_source.startDate`
endDate <- actor$`_source.endDate`
if (actor$`_source.function` == 'Party' && actor$party_only == T) {
actorids <- c(paste0(actor$`_source.partyId`,'_s'), paste0(actor$`_source.partyId`,'_f'))
} else if (actor$`_source.function` == 'Party') {
actorids <- c(paste0(actor$`_source.partyId`,'_s'), paste0(actor$`_source.partyId`,'_f'), paste0(actor$`_source.partyId`,'_a'))
actor$party_only <- F
} else {
actorids <- actor$`_source.actorId`
actor$party_only <- NULL
actor_aggregator <- function(year, query, actor, actorids, default_operator, localhost = F, es_pwd) {
if (year > 0) {
query <- paste0('computerCodes.actors:(',paste(actorids, collapse = ' '),') && publication_date:[',year,'-01-01 TO ',year,'-12-31]')
} else {
query <- paste0('computerCodes.actors:(',paste(actorids, collapse = ' '),') && publication_date:[',actor$`_source.startDate`,' TO ',actor$`_source.endDate`,']')
### Temporary exception for UK missing junk coding
if (actor$`` != 'uk') {
query <- paste0(query,' && computerCodes.junk:0')
out <- elasticizer(query_string(paste0('country:',actor$``,' && ',query),
fields = fields, default_operator = default_operator),
localhost = localhost,
es_pwd = es_pwd)
if (length(out$`_id`) > 0 ) {
if (is.null(sent_dict) == F) {
out_ud <- out %>% select(`_id`,`_source.ud`)
out <- out %>% select(-`_source.ud`)
### Generating actor dataframe, unnest by actorsDetail, then by actor ids. Filter out non-relevant actor ids.
out <- out %>%
unnest(`_source.computerCodes.actorsDetail`, .preserve = colnames(.)) %>%
unnest(ids, .preserve = colnames(.)) %>%
filter(ids1 %in% actorids) # %>%
# select(-ends_with('start')) %>%
# select(-ends_with('end')) %>%
# select(-starts_with('ids'))
### Only if there are more rows than articles, recalculate
if (length(unique(out$`_id`)) != length(out$`_id`)) {
duplicates <- out[(duplicated(out$`_id`) | duplicated(out$`_id`, fromLast = T)),]
actor_single <- out[!(duplicated(out$`_id`) | duplicated(out$`_id`, fromLast = T)),]
art_id <- unique(duplicates$`_id`)
dupe_merged <- bind_rows(future_lapply(art_id, aggregator, duplicates = duplicates))
out <- bind_rows(dupe_merged, actor_single)
if (is.null(sent_dict) == F) {
out <- left_join(out, out_ud, by = '_id')
out <- bind_rows(future_lapply(seq(1,nrow(out),1),par_sent, out = out, sent_dict = sent_dict))
### Creating date grouping variables
out <- out %>%
year = strftime(`_source.publication_date`, format = '%Y'),
yearmonth = strftime(out$`_source.publication_date`, format = '%Y%m'),
yearmonthday = strftime(out$`_source.publication_date`, format = '%Y%m%d'),
yearweek = strftime(out$`_source.publication_date`, format = "%Y%V")
) %>%
levels <- c('year','yearmonth','yearmonthday','yearweek')
aggregate_data <- bind_rows(lapply(levels, grouper, out = out, actorids = actorids, sent = !is.null(sent_dict)))
} else {
saveRDS(bind_rows(lapply(years, actor_aggregator, query, actor, actorids, default_operator, localhost, es_pwd)), file = paste0(actor$``,'_',paste0(actorids,collapse = ''),actor$`_source.function`,startDate,endDate,'.Rds'))
print(paste0('Done with ',row,'/',nrow(actors),' actors'))