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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/dupe_detect.R
\title{Get ids of duplicate documents that have a cosine similarity score higher than [threshold]}
dupe_detect(row, grid, cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper = 1, es_pwd, words)
\item{row}{Row of grid to parse}
\item{grid}{A cross-table of all possible combinations of doctypes and dates}
\item{cutoff_lower}{Cutoff value for minimum cosine similarity above which documents are considered duplicates (inclusive)}
\item{cutoff_upper}{Cutoff value for maximum cosine similarity, above which documents are not considered duplicates (for debugging and manual parameter tuning, inclusive)}
\item{es_pwd}{Password for Elasticsearch read access}
\item{words}{Document cutoff point in number of words. Documents are cut off at the last [.?!] before the cutoff (so document will be a little shorter than [words])}
dupe_objects.json and data frame containing each id and all its duplicates. remove_ids.txt and character vector with list of ids to be removed. Files are in current working directory
Get ids of duplicate documents that have a cosine similarity score higher than [threshold]
dupe_detect(1,grid,cutoff_lower, cutoff_upper = 1, es_pwd, words)