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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/actor_aggregation.R
\title{Generate aggregated actor measures from raw data}
actor_aggregation(row, actors, es_pwd, localhost,
default_operator = "OR", sent_dict = NULL, cores = detectCores())
\item{row}{The row of the actors data frame used for aggregation}
\item{actors}{The data frame containing actor data}
\item{es_pwd}{The password for read access to ES}
\item{localhost}{Boolean indicating if the script is running locally or not}
\item{default_operator}{String indicating whether actor aggregations should be made by searching for the presence of any of the actor ids (OR), or all of them (AND). Defaults to OR}
No return value, data per actor is saved in an RDS file
Generate aggregated actor measures from raw data
actor_aggregation(row, actors, es_pwd, localhost, default_operator = 'OR')