You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

59 lines
3.1 KiB

#' Elasticizer update function: generate UDpipe output from base text
#' Elasticizer update function: generate UDpipe output from base text
#' @param out Does not need to be defined explicitly! (is already parsed in the elasticizer function)
#' @param localhost Defaults to false. When true, connect to a local Elasticsearch instance on the default port (9200)
#' @param udmodel UDpipe model to use
#' @param es_super Password for write access to ElasticSearch
#' @param cores Number of cores to use for parallel processing, defaults to detectCores() (all cores available)
#' @return A vector of 1's indicating the success of each update call
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ud_update(out, localhost = T, udmodel, es_super = .rs.askForPassword("ElasticSearch WRITE"), cores = detectCores())
ud_update <- function(out, localhost = T, udmodel, es_super = .rs.askForPassword("ElasticSearch WRITE"), cores = detectCores()) {
out$merged <- str_c(str_replace_na(out$`_source.title`, replacement = " "),
str_replace_na(out$`_source.subtitle`, replacement = " "),
str_replace_na(out$`_source.preteaser`, replacement = " "),
str_replace_na(out$`_source.teaser`, replacement = " "),
str_replace_na(out$`_source.text`, replacement = " "),
sep = " ") %>%
# Remove html tags, and multiple consequent whitespaces
str_replace_all("<.*?>", " ") %>%
str_replace_all("\\s+"," ")
par_proc <- function(row, out, udmodel) {
doc <- out[row,]
ud <-, x = doc$merged, parser = "default", doc_id = doc$`_id`)) %>%
group_by(doc_id) %>%
paragraph_id = list(list(as.integer(paragraph_id))),
sentence_id = list(list(as.integer(sentence_id))),
token_id = list(list(as.integer(token_id))),
lemma = list(list(as.character(lemma))),
upos = list(list(as.character(upos))),
feats = list(list(as.character(feats))),
head_token_id = list(list(as.integer(head_token_id))),
dep_rel = list(list(as.character(dep_rel))),
exists = list(list(TRUE))
ud <- bind_rows(mclapply(seq(1,length(out[[1]]),1), par_proc, out = out, udmodel=udmodel, mc.cores = cores))
bulk <- apply(ud, 1, bulk_writer, varname = 'ud', type = 'set')
res <- elastic_update(bulk, es_super = es_super, localhost = localhost)
#### Old code ####
# Use | as separator (this is not done anymore, as all data is stored as actual lists, instead of strings. Code kept for future reference)
# str_replace_all("\\|", "") %>%
# Remove VERY annoying single backslashes and replace them by whitespaces
# str_replace_all("\\\\", " ") %>%
# Replace any occurence of (double) whitespace characters by a single regular whitespace
# t_id <- paste(ud[,5], collapse = '|')
# lemmatized <- paste(ud[,7], collapse = '|') %>%
# # Replacing double quotes with single quotes in text
# str_replace_all("\"","\'")
# upos_tags <- paste(ud[,8], collapse = '|')
# head_t_id <- paste(ud[,11], collapse = '|')
# dep_rel <- paste(ud[,12], collapse = '|')