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% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/ud_update.R
\title{Generate UDpipe output from base text}
ud_update(file, wd, ud_file, ver)
\item{file}{Filename of file to read in, also used for generating output file name}
\item{wd}{Working directory where *file*s can be found}
\item{ud_file}{Filename of udpipe model to use, should be in *wd*}
\item{ver}{Short string (preferably a single word/sequence) indicating the version of the updated document (i.e. for a udpipe update this string might be 'udV2')}
A vector of 1's indicating the success of each update call
Generate UDpipe output from base text
ud_update(out, udmodel, ver, file)