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#' Push a line-delimited JSON string to Elasticsearch as bulk update
#' Push a line-delimited JSON string to Elasticsearch as bulk update
#' @param x Line-delimited JSON suitable for use as Elasticsearch bulk update
#' @param es_super The even-more-secret (do not store this anywhere!!!) password for updating (or messing up!) the entire database
#' @param localhost Defaults to true. When true, connect to a local Elasticsearch instance on the default port (9200)
#' @return An html response object indicating the status of the update
#' @export
#' @examples
#' elastic_update(x, es_super = 'secret', local = F)
#################################### Elasticsearch Updater ################################
elastic_update <- function(x, es_super = 'secret', localhost = T) {
bulk <- paste0(paste0(x, collapse = '\n'),'\n')
if (localhost == F) {
url <- paste0('https://super:',es_super,'')
if (localhost == T) {
url <- 'http://localhost:9200/_bulk?pretty'
res <- RETRY("POST", url = url
, body = bulk
, encode = "raw"
, add_headers("Content-Type" = "application/json")
, times = 10
, pause_min = 30
appData <- httr:::content(res)
if (appData$errors == T){
print("Aborting, errors found during updating")