@ -135,26 +135,6 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
publication_date = first(publication_date),
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'all'), by = list(id)]
ids = 'all'), by = list(id)]
all_ind <- df[str_detect(ids, 'A_'),
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'ind'), by = list(id)]
all_par <- df[str_detect(ids, '_f|_s'),
.(actor.sent = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
actor.arousal = sum(sent_words)/sum(words),
actor.first = first(sentence_id),
actor.occ = .N,
publication_date = first(publication_date),
ids = 'par'), by = list(id)]
## Unnest to actor level
## Unnest to actor level
df <- df[,.(ids = as.character(unlist(ids))),
df <- df[,.(ids = as.character(unlist(ids))),
by = list(id,publication_date,sentence_id, sent_sum, words, sent_words,sent_binary_weighted)]
by = list(id,publication_date,sentence_id, sent_sum, words, sent_words,sent_binary_weighted)]