Fixed incorrect mfs and mfsa aggregations. Previously multiple party/actor mentions in the same sentence (e.g. both a *_f and *_s mention) would all be taken into account separately, while the sentence should only be considered once

Erik de Vries 3 years ago
parent 7703a8cd5b
commit 9419d6dc08

@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
ids %in% str_c('P_',as.character(1630:1647)) ~ 'P_1629',
TRUE ~ ids),
), .SDcols = -c('ids')][,.(
), .SDcols = -c('ids')] %>% .[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','ids','sentence_id')),.(
actor.sent = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ sent_merger <- function(df, actors_meta = NULL, actor_groups = NULL, pos_cutoff
parties <- df[str_ends(ids,'_f') | str_ends(ids,'_s'),.(
ids = str_sub(ids, start = 1, end = -3),
),.SDcols = -c('ids')][,.(
),.SDcols = -c('ids')] %>% .[!duplicated(.,by = c('id','ids','sentence_id')),.(
actor.sent = sum(sent_binary_weighted)/sum(words),
actor.sent_words = sum(sent_words),
actor.words = sum(words),
