@ -35,18 +35,12 @@ dfm_gen <- function(out, words = '999', text = "lemmas") {
str_replace_all("<.*?>", " ") %>%
str_replace_all("\\s+"," ")
if (words != "999") {
### Former word count regex, includes words up until the next sentence boundary, instead of cutting to the last sentence boundary
# out$merged2 <- str_extract(lemmas, str_c("^(([\\s\\S]*? ){0,",words,"}[\\s\\S]*?[.!?])\\s+?"))
out <- out %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(merged = paste0(str_split(merged, '\\s')[[1]][1:words], collapse = ' ') %>%
if ('_source.codes.majorTopic' %in% colnames(out)) {
out <- out %>%
mutate(codes = as.numeric(case_when(
mutate(codes = case_when(
.$`_source.codes.timeSpent` == -1 ~ NA_character_,
TRUE ~ .$`_source.codes.majorTopic`
) %>%
mutate(junk = case_when(
.$codes == 2301 ~ 1,
@ -66,6 +60,12 @@ dfm_gen <- function(out, words = '999', text = "lemmas") {
} else {
vardoc <- NULL
if (words != "999") {
### Former word count regex, includes words up until the next sentence boundary, instead of cutting to the last sentence boundary
# out$merged2 <- str_extract(lemmas, str_c("^(([\\s\\S]*? ){0,",words,"}[\\s\\S]*?[.!?])\\s+?"))
out <- out %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(merged = paste0(str_split(merged, '\\s')[[1]][1:words], collapse = ' ') %>%
dfm <- corpus(out$merged, docnames = out$`_id`, docvars = vardoc) %>%
dfm(tolower = T, stem = F, remove_punct = T, valuetype = "regex", ngrams = 1)