Updated elasticizer docs, created modelizer and class_update functions

master NOJunk
Erik de Vries 6 years ago
parent c815dc7f2b
commit d203de0b2a

@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ Depends: R (>= 3.3.1),
License: Copyright Erik de Vries
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true

@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
#' Classifier function for use in combination with the elasticizer function as 'update' parameter (without brackets), see elasticizer documentation for more information
#' Classifier function for use in combination with the elasticizer function as 'update' parameter (without brackets), see elasticizer documentation for more information
#' @param out Does not need to be defined explicitly! (is already parsed in the elasticizer function)
#' @param model_final The classification model (e.g. output from textstat_nb(), svm() or others)
#' @param dfm_words A dfm containing all the words and only the words used to generate the model (is used for subsetting)
#' @param varname String containing the variable name to use for the classification result, usually has the format computerCodes.varname
#' @param es_super Password for write access to ElasticSearch
#' @return As this is a nested function used within elasticizer, there is no return output
#' @export
#' @examples
#' elasticizer(query, src = T, es_pwd = es_pwd, update = class_update, model_final = model_final, dfm_words = dfm_words, varname = computerCodes.varname, es_super = es_super)
#################################### Update any kind of classification ##########################
class_update <- function(out, model_final, dfm_words, varname, es_super) {
dfm <- dfm_gen(out, text = 'lemmas') %>%
dfm_keep(dfm_words, valuetype="fixed", verbose=T)
pred <- data.frame(id = out$`_id`, pred = predict(model_final, newdata = dfm))
bulk <- apply(pred, 1, bulk_writer, varname = varname)
res <- elastic_update(bulk, es_super = es_super)
content(res, "parsed", "application/json")
appData <- content(res)
if (appData$errors == T){
stop("Aborting, errors found during updating")

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
#' @param src Logical (true/false) indicating whether or not the source of each document should be retrieved
#' @param index The name of the Elasticsearch index to search through
#' @param update When set, indicates an update function to use on each batch of 1000 articles
#' @param ... Parameters passed on to the update function
#' @return A data frame containing all the search results
#' @export

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
#' Generate a classification model
#' Generate a nested cross validated classification model based on a dfm with class labels as docvars
#' Currently only supports Naïve Bayes using quanteda's textmodel_nb
#' Hyperparemeter optimization is enabled through the grid parameter
#' A grid should be generated from vectors with the labels as described for each model, using the crossing() command
#' For Naïve Bayes, the following parameters can be used:
#' - percentiles (cutoff point for tf-idf feature selection)
#' - measures (what measure to use for determining feature importance, see textstat_keyness for options)
#' @param dfm A quanteda dfm used to train and evaluate the model, should contain the vector with class labels in docvars
#' @param cores_outer Number of cores to use for outer CV (cannot be more than the number of outer folds)
#' @param cores_grid Number of cores to use for grid search (cannot be more than the number of grid rows (i.e. possible parameter combinations), multiplies with cores_outer)
#' @param cores_inner Number of cores to use for inner CV loop (cannot be more than number of inner CV folds, multiplies with cores_outer and cores_grid)
#' @param cores_feats Number of cores to use for feature selection (multiplies with cores outer, cores_grid and cores_inner)
#' @param seed Integer to use as seed for random number generation, ensures replicability
#' @param outer_k Number of outer cross-validation folds (for performance estimation)
#' @param inner_k Number of inner cross-validation folds (for hyperparameter optimization and feature selection)
#' @param model Classification algorithm to use (currently only "nb" for Naïve Bayes using textmodel_nb)
#' @param class_type Type of classification to model ("junk", "aggregate", or "codes")
#' @param opt_measure Label of measure in confusion matrix to use as performance indicator
#' @param country Two-letter country abbreviation of the country the model is estimated for (used for filename)
#' @param grid Data frame providing all possible combinations of hyperparameters and feature selection parameters for a given model (grid search)
#' @return An .RData file in the current working directory (getwd()) containing the final model, performance estimates and the parameters used for grid search and cross-validation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' modelizer(dfm, cores_outer = 1, cores_grid = 1, cores_inner = 1, cores_feats = 1, seed = 42, outer_k = 3, inner_k = 5, model = model, class_type = class_type, opt_measure = opt_measure, country = country, grid = grid)
#################################### Function to generate classification models #################
modelizer <- function(dfm, cores_outer, cores_grid, cores_inner, cores_feats, seed, outer_k, inner_k, model, class_type, opt_measure, country, grid) {
### Functions ###
feat_select <- function (topic, dfm, class_type, percentile,measure) {
keyness <- textstat_keyness(dfm, measure = measure, docvars(dfm, class_type) == as.numeric(topic)) %>%
keyness <- filter(keyness, keyness[,2] > quantile(as.matrix(keyness[,2]),percentile))$feature
### Generate inner folds for nested cv
inner_loop <- function(fold, dfm, inner_k, class_type) {
# RNG needs to be set explicitly for each fold
set.seed(seed, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
## Either createDataPartition for simple holdout parameter optimization
## Or createFolds for proper inner CV for nested CV
# if (inner_k <= 1) {
# inner_folds <- createDataPartition(as.factor(docvars(dfm[-fold], class_type)), times = 1, p = 1-0.8)
# } else {
inner_folds <- createFolds(as.factor(docvars(dfm[-fold], class_type)), k= inner_k)
# }
return(c(outer_fold = list(fold),inner_folds))
### Generate outer folds for nested cv
generate_folds <- function(outer_k, inner_k, dfm, class_type){
set.seed(seed, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
folds <- createFolds(as.factor(docvars(dfm, class_type)), k= outer_k)
return(lapply(folds,inner_loop, dfm = dfm, inner_k = inner_k, class_type = class_type))
### Gets called for every parameter combination, and calls classifier for every inner cv fold
inner_cv <- function(row,grid,outer_fold, inner_folds, dfm, class_type, model, cores_inner, cores_feats) {
params <- grid[row,]
# For each inner fold, cross validate the specified parameters
res <-
outer_fold = outer_fold,
params = params,
dfm = dfm,
class_type = class_type,
model = model,
cores_feats = cores_feats,
mc.cores = cores_inner
return(cbind(as.data.frame(t(colMeans(select(res, 1:`Balanced Accuracy`)))),params))
### Gets called for every outer cv fold, and calls inner_cv for all parameter combinations in grid
outer_cv <- function(fold, grid, dfm, class_type, model, cores_grid, cores_inner, cores_feats) {
# If fold contains both inner folds and outer fold
if (length(fold) == inner_k + 1) {
inner_folds <- fold[-1]
outer_fold <- fold$outer_fold
# For each row in grid, cross-validate results
res <- bind_rows(mclapply(seq(1,length(grid[[1]]),1),
cores_feats= cores_feats,
grid = grid,
dfm = dfm,
class_type = class_type,
model = model,
outer_fold = outer_fold,
inner_folds = inner_folds,
cores_inner = cores_inner,
mc.cores = cores_grid)
# Determine optimum hyperparameters within outer fold training set
optimum <- res[which.max(res[,opt_measure]),] %>%
select(percentiles: ncol(.))
# Validate performance of optimum hyperparameters on outer fold test set
return(classifier(NULL, outer_fold = outer_fold, params = optimum, dfm = dfm, class_type = class_type, model = model, cores_feats = cores_feats))
} else {
# If no outer fold, go directly to parameter optimization using inner folds, and return performance of hyperparameters
inner_folds <- fold
outer_fold <- NULL
res <- bind_rows(mclapply(seq(1,length(grid[[1]]),1),
cores_feats= cores_feats,
grid = grid,
dfm = dfm,
class_type = class_type,
model = model,
outer_fold = outer_fold,
inner_folds = inner_folds,
cores_inner = cores_inner,
mc.cores = cores_grid)
### Custom tfidf function to allow same idf for different dfm's
custom_tfidf <- function(x, scheme_tf = "count", scheme_df = "inverse", base = 10, dfreq = dfreq) {
if (!nfeat(x) || !ndoc(x)) return(x)
tfreq <- dfm_weight(x, scheme = scheme_tf, base = base)
if (nfeat(x) != length(dfreq))
stop("missing some values in idf calculation")
# get the document indexes
j <- as(tfreq, "dgTMatrix")@j + 1
# replace just the non-zero values by product with idf
x@x <- tfreq@x * dfreq[j]
# record attributes
x@weightTf <- tfreq@weightTf
x@weightDf <- c(list(scheme = scheme_df, base = base), args)
### Classification function
classifier <- function (inner_fold, outer_fold, params, dfm, class_type, model, cores_feats) {
# If both inner and outer folds, subset dfm to outer_fold training set, then create train and test sets according to inner fold. Evaluate performance
if (length(inner_fold) > 0 && length(outer_fold) > 0) {
dfm_train <- dfm[-outer_fold] %>%
dfm_test <- dfm[-outer_fold] %>%
# If only outer folds, but no inner folds, validate performance of outer fold training data on outer fold test data
} else if (length(outer_fold) > 0 ) {
dfm_train <- dfm[-outer_fold]
dfm_test <- dfm[outer_fold]
# If only inner folds, validate performance directly on inner folds (is the same as above?)
} else if (length(inner_fold) > 0 ) {
dfm_train <- dfm[-inner_fold]
dfm_test <- dfm[inner_fold]
# If both inner and outer folds are NULL, set training set to whole dataset, estimate model and return final model
} else {
final <- T ### Indicate final modeling run on whole dataset
dfm_train <- dfm
### Getting features from training dataset
# Getting idf from training data, and using it to normalize both training and testing feature occurence
dfm_train <- dfm_trim(dfm_train, min_termfreq = 1, min_docfreq = 0)
dfreq <- docfreq(dfm_train, scheme = "inverse", base = 10, smoothing = 0, k = 0, threshold = 0, use.names=T)
dfm_train <- custom_tfidf(dfm_train, scheme_tf = "count", scheme_df = "inverse", base = 10, dfreq = dfreq)
words <- unlist(mclapply(unique(docvars(dfm_train, class_type)),
dfm = dfm_train,
class_type = class_type,
percentile = params$percentiles,
measure = params$measures,
mc.cores = cores_feats
dfm_train <- dfm_keep(dfm_train, words, valuetype="fixed", verbose=T)
if (model == "nb") {
text_model <- textmodel_nb(dfm_train, y = docvars(dfm_train, class_type), smooth = .001, prior = "uniform", distribution = "multinomial")
if (model == "svm") {
text_model <- svm(x=dfm_train, y=as.factor(docvars(dfm_train, class_type)), type = "C-classification", kernel = "linear", gamma = params$gamma, cost = params$cost, epsilon = params$epsilon)
### Add more if statements for different models
if (exists("final") == T) {
} else {
### Removing all features not in training set from test set and weighting the remaining features according to training idf
dfm_test <- dfm_keep(dfm_test, pattern = dfm_train, valuetype = "fixed", verbose = T)
dfm_test <- custom_tfidf(dfm_test, scheme_tf = "count", scheme_df = "inverse", base = 10, dfreq = dfreq[words])
pred <- predict(text_model, newdata = dfm_test)
class_table <- table(prediction = pred, trueValues = docvars(dfm_test, class_type))
conf_mat <- confusionMatrix(class_table, mode = "everything")
if (is.matrix(conf_mat$byClass) == T) {
} else {
return(cbind(as.data.frame(t(conf_mat$overall)),as.data.frame(t(conf_mat$byClass)),params, pos_cat = conf_mat$positive))
## Generate nested CV folds, based on number of inner and outer folds defined (see start of script)
folds <- generate_folds(outer_k,inner_k = inner_k, dfm = dfm, class_type = class_type)
## Get performance of each outer fold validation, and add row with mean scores (This is the final performance indicator)
performance <- bind_rows(mclapply(folds, outer_cv, grid=grid, dfm=dfm, class_type=class_type, model=model, cores_grid=cores_grid, cores_inner=cores_inner, cores_feats=cores_feats, mc.cores = cores_outer)) %>%
bind_rows(., colMeans(select(., 1:`Balanced Accuracy`)))
## Set seed and generate folds for final hyperparameter optimization search (using CV)
set.seed(seed, kind = "Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind = "Inversion")
folds_final <- list(createFolds(as.factor(docvars(dfm, class_type)), k= inner_k))
## Get the final hyperparameter performance for all value combinations in grid
params_final <- bind_rows(mclapply(folds_final, outer_cv, grid=grid, dfm=dfm, class_type=class_type, model=model, cores_grid=cores_grid, cores_inner=cores_inner, cores_feats=cores_feats, mc.cores = cores_outer))
## Select optimum final hyperparameters
optimum_final <- params_final[which.max(params_final[,opt_measure]),] %>%
select(percentiles: ncol(.))
## Estimate final model on whole dataset, using optimum final hyperparameters determined above
model_final <- classifier(NULL, outer_fold = NULL, params = optimum_final, dfm = dfm, class_type = class_type, model = model, cores_feats = detectCores())
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c("model_final", "optimum_final","params_final","performance","grid","folds","folds_final","country","model","class_type","opt_measure")), envir = environment())
save(list = ls(all.names = TRUE), file = paste0(getwd(),'/',country,'_',model,'_',class_type,'_',opt_measure,'_',Sys.time(),'.RData'), envir = environment())

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/class_update.R
\title{Classifier function for use in combination with the elasticizer function as 'update' parameter (without brackets), see elasticizer documentation for more information}
class_update(out, model_final, dfm_words, varname, es_super)
\item{out}{Does not need to be defined explicitly! (is already parsed in the elasticizer function)}
\item{model_final}{The classification model (e.g. output from textstat_nb(), svm() or others)}
\item{dfm_words}{A dfm containing all the words and only the words used to generate the model (is used for subsetting)}
\item{varname}{String containing the variable name to use for the classification result, usually has the format computerCodes.varname}
\item{es_super}{Password for write access to ElasticSearch}
As this is a nested function used within elasticizer, there is no return output
Classifier function for use in combination with the elasticizer function as 'update' parameter (without brackets), see elasticizer documentation for more information
elasticizer(query, src = T, es_pwd = es_pwd, update = class_update, model_final = model_final, dfm_words = dfm_words, varname = computerCodes.varname, es_super = es_super)

@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ elasticizer(query, src = T, index = "maml",
\item{index}{The name of the Elasticsearch index to search through}
\item{update}{When set, indicates an update function to use on each batch of 1000 articles}
\item{...}{Parameters passed on to the update function}
A data frame containing all the search results

@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/modelizer.R
\title{Generate a classification model}
modelizer(dfm, cores_outer, cores_grid, cores_inner, cores_feats, seed,
outer_k, inner_k, model, class_type, opt_measure, country, grid)
\item{dfm}{A quanteda dfm used to train and evaluate the model, should contain the vector with class labels in docvars}
\item{cores_outer}{Number of cores to use for outer CV (cannot be more than the number of outer folds)}
\item{cores_grid}{Number of cores to use for grid search (cannot be more than the number of grid rows (i.e. possible parameter combinations), multiplies with cores_outer)}
\item{cores_inner}{Number of cores to use for inner CV loop (cannot be more than number of inner CV folds, multiplies with cores_outer and cores_grid)}
\item{cores_feats}{Number of cores to use for feature selection (multiplies with cores outer, cores_grid and cores_inner)}
\item{seed}{Integer to use as seed for random number generation, ensures replicability}
\item{outer_k}{Number of outer cross-validation folds (for performance estimation)}
\item{inner_k}{Number of inner cross-validation folds (for hyperparameter optimization and feature selection)}
\item{model}{Classification algorithm to use (currently only "nb" for Naïve Bayes using textmodel_nb)}
\item{class_type}{Type of classification to model ("junk", "aggregate", or "codes")}
\item{opt_measure}{Label of measure in confusion matrix to use as performance indicator}
\item{country}{Two-letter country abbreviation of the country the model is estimated for (used for filename)}
\item{grid}{Data frame providing all possible combinations of hyperparameters and feature selection parameters for a given model (grid search)}
An .RData file in the current working directory (getwd()) containing the final model, performance estimates and the parameters used for grid search and cross-validation
Generate a nested cross validated classification model based on a dfm with class labels as docvars
Currently only supports Naïve Bayes using quanteda's textmodel_nb
Hyperparemeter optimization is enabled through the grid parameter
A grid should be generated from vectors with the labels as described for each model, using the crossing() command
For Naïve Bayes, the following parameters can be used:
- percentiles (cutoff point for tf-idf feature selection)
- measures (what measure to use for determining feature importance, see textstat_keyness for options)
modelizer(dfm, cores_outer = 1, cores_grid = 1, cores_inner = 1, cores_feats = 1, seed = 42, outer_k = 3, inner_k = 5, model = model, class_type = class_type, opt_measure = opt_measure, country = country, grid = grid)